Was the subject line of the email also customised through a language override? Does the subject line of the email look all right or does it also have %s characters instead of the site name?
Compare the contents of the language string in language override file, located in the folder language/overrides/en-GB.override.ini, to the original version of the language stringnin language/en-GB/com_users.ini.
Here are the original subject and the body contents of the username reminder message in the file language/en-GB/com_users.ini:Go to System - Templates - Mail Templates and locate the template 'Users: Username Reminder'. Do the subject and body look consistent with the language constants? Did you use the existing tags or insert new tags?
Compare the contents of the language string in language override file, located in the folder language/overrides/en-GB.override.ini, to the original version of the language stringnin language/en-GB/com_users.ini.
Here are the original subject and the body contents of the username reminder message in the file language/en-GB/com_users.ini:
COM_USERS_EMAIL_USERNAME_REMINDER_BODY="Hello,\n\nA username reminder has been requested for your {SITENAME} account.\n\nYour username: {USERNAME}\n\nTo login to your account, select the link below.\n\n{LINK_TEXT} \n\nThank you."COM_USERS_EMAIL_USERNAME_REMINDER_SUBJECT="Your {SITENAME} username"
Statistics: Posted by toivo — Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:03 am