I did some research and it looks like there is no other plugin that does the same thing. And I don't think that the developer would agree to update the old version compatible with Joomla 3. But I've realized that the same thing can be done easily with a small simple php code. So, in case somebody else encounters the same issue, here is the solution:This code can be saved as a php file that can be called using jumi plugin (and jumi still works with MySQL 8 without any problem).
Instead of article id one can also use the alias, or title. For example, if using the alias, the query becomes
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE alias='$art_alias'";
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE id='$art_id'";/* Joomla mysql functions */$db = &JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery( $query ); $row = $db->loadAssoc();echo $row["introtext"];
Instead of article id one can also use the alias, or title. For example, if using the alias, the query becomes
$query = "SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE alias='$art_alias'";
Statistics: Posted by ldor — Sat May 18, 2024 7:45 pm